Join our new Andrew W.K. forum! You can now party with like-minded Andrew W.K. fans by joining our community. You’ll dive deep as you discuss the philosophies of partying with fellow enthusiasts. Join Now!
Social Networking VS Forum
We are now inundated by social media platforms to choose from. Surely there’s no need to have another place to connect with like-minded fans? Wrong! Over the years I received several requests for a proper AWK forum. Twitter is an excellent place to access Andrew W.K. directly. Facebook has its benefits too. But really none of these platforms allow fans to connect with fans and have more than surface level conversations. Much like the official forum that was discontinued, you’ll be able to find fans who are diving deep into AWK lore. And most importantly, make new friends!
Andrew W.K. Forum Features
The forum and community will soon feature a chat room where you can communicate instantly with fellow fans. Also there is a designated section to comment on blog posts. So rather than commenting here on the blog, like this post for example, you’ll be able to continue the conversation in the forum. If you’ve already created an account all you need to do is go to the forum and login. There is no need to create a second forum account. If you need to register you can join here, which will not only grant you access to the forum but also to the media archives. Where there are many Andrew W.K. treasures to be found!
Finally, thank you to Andrew W.K. for helping promote this effort by retweeting us! Join Now!