• Post category:News

Hello AWK fanatics,

I hope you enjoyed this last years worth of Andrew W.K. news, media and archived content. If it’s not obvious already AndrewWKMusic.com is not only FUN for me but it is a labor of love. Looking back, I had very specific things I wanted to accomplish when I set out to create this website 2+ years ago. Those expectations were met quicker than I could have imagined, thanks to you. Your interest fed my enthusiasm. So in 2011 new goals had to be made and the bar had to be raised. To name a few things we’ve accomplished this year…

I plan on 2012 being the most exciting year to date. For some that might be hard to believe and one might ask “what else is there?”. I can only respond to that in one way, “EVERYTHING!”. I promise that you and this website has only seen the tip of this iceberg. My vision, goals and expectations are higher than ever. So to ensure you that these are not hollow promises stay tuned in the coming weeks for some surprises that will blow your mind. The easiest way to do that is to subscribe to our email list.

Out of deep gratitude and humility I thank you for your passion towards Andrew W.K. and his fan community. Please help fund this website’s hosting costs, any amount is accepted and appreciated. A total of $120 will take us all the way until this time next year. Thank you!
